
Posts Tagged ‘Insights in Jeremiah’

But the Lord is the true God; He is the living God and the everlasting King.
At His wrath the earth will tremble, and the nations will not be able to endure His indignation.
Jeremiah 10:10

In Jeremiah 10:10, the prophet refers to God (Adonai) as:
The True God
The Living God
The Everlasting King

True God
God is the true God. This means He is genuine. He should not be confused with or lumped in with the myriad of other false gods. As the true God–there is no other God beside Him. (See Isaiah 44:6). Accept no substitute or counterfeit!

If God is the true God, it means that He is absolutely trustworthy. He keeps His promises. He can be trusted and relied upon. He is our Rock (See Psalm 18:2), a firm foundation.

Living God
Adonai is a living God and the God of the living. He is active now–in this moment in time. In the here and now with us, God is able to respond to us and our circumstances. He is not a dead religion, a set of rules and regulations to follow, He is alive and in relationship with us. He is our living hope. (See 1 Peter 1:13)

Everlasting King
God is the everlasting King. This description has two parts: “everlasting” and “King.” To say that He is a King speaks of His royalty, majesty, and authority. He is the Sovereign over all. He takes care and has the responsibility for all of His subjects. He is the one to whom we direct all our worship and praise.

To say His reign is everlasting is to say that it is enduring, surpassing and without beginning or end. He has no predecessor and no successor. Because He is everlasting, I need only concern myself with Him, what pleases and displeases Him, and His plans and purposes.

Truly He is worthy of all of our praise as the one true, living God and everlasting King!

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